Breconshire 1735 - 1799
4 confirmed executions have been traced, together with 2 probable ones.
Executions only took place in the years stated.
Session date  Name Crime  Execution date
1735 - 1755 - No executions
1756 - 1 execution
Tu 24 August Henry Watkins         Sacrilege            Eo F  10 September
1757 - 1788 - No executions
1789 - 1 execution
S  22 August Lewis Lewis jr     Murder of Thomas Price  F  28 August
1790 - 2 executions
S  14 August Lewis Lewis sr    Murder of Thomas Price  Eo F  2 September '91
" Davis Williams    Burglary             ??/September
1793 - 1 execution
Tu   2 April David Howell James  Murder of Elizabeth John F  16 August
1797 - 1 execution
Tu   4 April Watkin Jones             Forgery              W   3 May